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Illustration auf der eine Person Bilder aus einem Tablet zieht

image+ platform for
open art education


image+ Platform for Open Art Education

about the research project

„IMAGE+ Platform for Open Art Education“ is an Austrian image and image research platform dedicated to the enhancement of teaching. IMAGE+ offers a comprehensive repository of high-quality digital image reproductions of artistic works. The images are enriched with high-quality metadata; scientifically validated information about the artworks is provided. IMAGE+ is available for teachers and students at participating universities and research institutions. Furthermore, artists and art education graduates may use the database for their daily work and ongoing training. The project is anchored at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and is realized in cooperation with the University of Art and Design Linz, University Mozarteum Salzburg, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) and the documentation platform of Austrian art basis wien.

Features of IMAGE+

  • Improving the quality of teaching through the simplification of image-based teaching
  • Improve access and quality of image data
  • Use of open source software, emancipation from commercial providers
  • Alumni access: life-long learning
  • Education and training of teachers: Strengthening digital literacy, linking teaching at universities, teachers colleges and schools.
  • Image+ Goes to School: Collaboration with the Center for Didactics of Art and Interdisciplinary Teaching on the digital transformation in school and university teaching.
  • Better representation of the Austrian art landscape than in international commercial databases (ThirdMission)
  • Opening and digitization of collections, increased offer of Open Educational Resources
  • Linking research and teaching (Linked Data)
  • Critical reflection on art history and its methods in the digital enviroment
  • Implementation in other Austrian universities
  • Addressing issues of image rights policy, accessibility and dissemination of art
Illustration: Stefanie Hilgarth (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)


Cluster „Bilddaten“

Cluster Bilddaten

The Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
